Feb 4, 2018 - Bsmultitool Exe Download. If you have trouble downloading Adventure Time with Finn and Jake - 313b - Incendium (720p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.
If it's blurry, Click the settings bar on the video then: 'Watch in 1080P or 720P':) Hey guys, thanks for checking out the video. Text tutorial is in the description! This video is how to remove the 'Sponsored Apps Or $2 A Month' Alert from bluestacks, permanently. Please Like & Subscribe if this helped you out,:). I don't have a microphone yet so please just go back a part in the video if you missed how. It's pretty simple and I think you'll learn fast! Steps are in the description if you're blind/it's easier to read then watch.
Enjoy everyone & Have Fun! ----------------------------------------------------------- LINKS: BlueStacks Version Needed: MultiTool: WinRar: SuperUser: ----------------------------------------------------------- STEPS: Step 1: Uninstall BlueStacks & Restart your PC If you havn't already. Step 2: Download BlueStacks V 8.11.3116 From the link in the description or here. You can download it from my website, BlueStacks removed the official link due to people removing ads. Step 3: Install BlueStacks like you normally would, Sign in & Let it upgrade android (Give it about 5 Minutes) Step 4: Download BlueStacks MultiTool from this link (Non malware/virus, You can scan it yourself/View all the vouches, google it.) () Step 5: Download WinRar To be able to open the MultiTool ZIP. Programmu dlya rasshifrovki kasset klub u gta 5. If you havn't already, Download it at () Step 6: Open BlueStacks if it isn't already. Step 7: Download the SuperUser File () Step 8: Make a folder titled 'BSMulti' And drag the BSMultiTool.exe & SuperUser Files into the BSMulti Folder you just made.
Step 9: Open The BlueStacks MultiTool EXE. Step 10: While the BS MultiTool is open, Press '1' on your keyboard. Confirm everything it says, And once it is done restart BlueStacks & Restart the MultiTool. Step 11: Open BlueStacks if it isn't already, Also open the MultiTool. Step 12: Go into the MultiTool & Type '5' On your keyboard. Confirm everything it says and go to the next step. Step 13: It's going to ask you what you want to enable & disable & skip.
Press 'E' For everything EXCEPT com.bluestacks.s2p. Press 'D' For ONLY that one. You're finished.
Congratulations on never downloading sponsored apps from BlueStacks again. Steps might seem long but it's faster then you think. Have a nice day,:). PS: I'm not responsible for anything you do with these programs, And this video is for educational purposes only. I do not own the song nor the programs, this is only a tutorial.
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Any Questions/Feedback? Please post in the comments, Thanks:)!
* This page is for BlueStacks App Player's users, if you have no idea what is BlueStacks, please visit. * If you are using BlueStacks for Mac and looking for root, please try the image instead. Now, you can have your BlueStacks for Windows rooted automatically in less than 2 minutes! Follow the instructions below to get started, any suggestions/comments are welcome.