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Jun 12, 2018 - I just purchased a new PT-92 AF-D last week, from Impact Guns, and wanted to make sure that it was truly new (skeptical due to super good. Running a gun serial number search is essential if you’re looking to buy a used gun from an individual or a dealer. And in many cases, it means the gun has been stolen or used for a crime. Antique guns may not have serial numbers, but be sure to do your homework to make sure the particular model you’re looking at wasn’t imprinted with.
• Welcome to! Please read the rules, the, and search before posting. • Megathread of the day: • Shoot the matches! • Come hang out with us on! **You are responsible for following the rules seen on the side bar at Violating the following rules will result in an immediate ban (zero tolerance) • No memes, phone/PC screenshots, image macros, rage comics, blogspam, facebook/instagram/twitter/4chan content, petitions, low-effort links, or the like. • No politics except in the Bi-weekly politics threads • No posting personal information (doxxing). • Links to PDF files are allowed but must carry a warning. • No asking questions about illegal firearms modifications.
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Please read the FAQ maintains an active. It contains: • A list of commonly asked questions that may have been already asked and answered. • Gunnit Match rules, awards, and historical data.
Before handling a firearm. Remember, and remind those around you • Treat all guns as if they are loaded. • Never let the cover anything you are not willing to destroy. • Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. • Be sure of your target and what is beyond it. Gunnit Matches Current Matches • • • • Previous Matches • • • • Competition open to all.
Gunnit Chat Come Join Gunnit members in IRC chat: Meet Ups: • - June 18th • - Nov 17 + Related reddits now found in the. Reminds me of, which Taurus owners decided was totally a fluke and would never happen with their model. By the way, the video is fucking horrifying. Not because anyone gets hurt in the video, but because of how criminally unsafe these guns are. Guy wraps his hand around the grip, physically incapable of pulling the trigger.
Gun goes off. Puts safety on. Gun goes off anyway. Turns out that this defect was common to almost the entire line of PT-series guns, including that very model 'Nah man it's just a precautionary thing, it's not really an issue, I looked down the barrel myself, it's totally safe' • • • •. The gun in the video is the same type as what is being recalled for causing fatal injuries due to misfiring from an inherent design flaw. You have nothing in evidence other than hearsay that attempts to dismiss what is obviously a widespread issue as a one off issue.