The publication of his first edition of Biochemistry in 1975 transformed the teaching of biochemistry. GATTO, JR., received his A. Degree in Chemistry from Princeton University, where he worked with Martin F. Semmelhack and was awarded the Everett S. Wallis Prize in Organic Chemistry.
By the term “unity in biodiversity” we mean: • Either unicellular or multicellular, organisms carry out similar metabolic activities at the cellular level. The basic processes of metabolism are same at all levels of life • Escherichia coli are the unicellular organism in which similar biochemical reactions occurs as compared to the elephant (a multicellular organism) The implications of unity of biochemistry are as follows: • All the living organisms are made up of cells. Unicellular organisms are made of a single cell, while multicellular organisms are made up of few to millions of cells • Irrespective of the complexity of the level of organization, all organisms are composed of the same essential biomolecules; nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids • These biomolecules serve the same functions at all levels of life • Every cell, whether of unicellular or of multicellular, consist of similar organelles and almost similar requirements • Every cell carries out similar biochemical reactions.
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Full text of ' SEVENTH EDITION Biochemistry Jeremy M. Tymoczko Lubert Stryer SEVENTH EDITION Biochemistry Jeremy M. Tymoczko Lubert Stryer with Gregory J.