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Hey fellow auto locksmiths, this month we have started an exciting brand new blog feature. We shall be writing a fortnightly column called “Under The Microscope” that tests and reviews the best key programming and vehicle entry tools. There are dozens of tools available to auto locksmiths and key programmers that all claim to be the best, but which ones work and which ones don’t? We will be reviewing every aspect of the tools from value for money to performance and functionality. We hope to be able to provide a valuable resource for new auto locksmiths and also invoke discussion from the more advanced auto lockies out there.
Discussion and comments on these posts are very welcome and would add great value and worth to the topic. I will be reviewing the top three products in each category from my own experience, and finally announce a winner based on comments that I receive here on the blog.
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OK without further a do lets crack on with our very first “Under The Microscope” – Renault key programming NB: If you are not a locksmith and have stumbled across this page you are probably looking for information about our mobile To start off here is a quick round-up of the types of keys and immobiliser systems used on Renault cars here in the UK. Renault immobiliser / key systems Renault cars are a complex beast that run several types of immo systems. The Renault immobiliser works to protect the car from being started without a correctly matched key or remote fob. Some of the earlier Renaults are strangely the most complex and difficult to replace keys for. These early Renaults work with an immobiliser integrated into either the BSI / UCH or a separate immo box.
Replacement Renault keys can only be programmed to the early systems with either a main dealer machine or Eeprom work. As far as I am aware there is no after market tester appliance that will code these early system 1 type vehicles – if anyone knows of a suitable product please let us know in a blog comment. The products that we will be reviewing are suitable for coding the later Renault models like the Clio 2 (that uses an id46 chip and fob) and the later Renault Magane’s and similar using the remote key “cards”. We can code replacement keys to these Renaults with a diagnostic tester or laptop software through the cars main OBD port. Renault key programming – The top 3 Whilst i’m sure there dozens if not hundreds of tools that are capable of doing the job, the top three that are widely used and approved are: • AD 100 Pro or MVP Pro – From • True Code – From • AVDI with Renault Commander – From I have put all of these tools under the proverbial microscope for a closer examination. My comments are based on my own experience with the tools and comments I have received from others in the industry.
Kirgizcha tuulgan kungo kuttuktoolor. Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. No Archives Categories. Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. No Archives Categories.