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Foreign Language: A Mission Imperative The ability to speak, read, and translate foreign languages, in addition to understanding cultural differences, is vital to the mission of the CIA. Because intelligence priorities can shift, and countries and languages can increase in importance rapidly, CIA must have employees with foreign language skills to handle both current national security requirements and potentially new missions. Foreign Language Skills Needed There are multiple positions available for people with foreign language skills who want to contribute to our mission of protecting America. Click to view CIA's foreign language-professional positions. Foreign Language Incentives The CIA values all language skills, and many other positions could afford you the opportunity to apply your foreign language proficiency in service to our country's security.
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All employees who attain tested levels and meet the minimum proficiency requirements in a qualifying language are eligible for monetary incentives. Click to learn more about our foreign language incentives. A Wide Variety of Languages of Interest From the hundreds of languages that are spoken around the world, CIA has identified the following languages that are most likely to meet national security requirements and are considered qualifying languages for our. The Office of Public Affairs (OPA) is the single point of contact for all inquiries about the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). We read every letter, fax, or e-mail we receive, and we will convey your comments to CIA officials outside OPA as appropriate. However, with limited staff and resources, we simply cannot respond to all who write to us. Contact Information By postal mail: Central Intelligence Agency Office of Public Affairs Washington, D.C.
20505 Contact the Contact the Contact the Before contacting us: Please check our, search feature, or our site navigation on the left to locate the information you seek. We do not routinely respond to questions for which answers are found within this Web site.: We do not routinely answer questions about employment beyond the information on this Web site, and we do not routinely answer inquiries about the status of job applications. Recruiting will contact applicants within 45 days if their qualifications meet our needs. • Because of safety concerns for the prospective applicant, as well as security and communication issues, the CIA Recruitment Center does not accept resumes, nor can we return phone calls, e-mails or other forms of communication, from US citizens living outside of the US.