Video demo after the cut The video also shows how the N8 will handle photo galleries, too, complete with multitouch pinch-zooming and easy access to tweaks like red eye reduction. What’s unclear at this stage is whether you’ll be able to access media content stored an an external drive using the N8’s video editing app, or only what’s stored on the phone’s 16GB of internal storage. Best of all, though, while iMovie for iPhone will be available through the App Store priced at $4.99, Nokia’s video editing software will be preloaded onto the N8 at no extra charge. To contrast Nokia’s system with the iPhone 4’s onboard video editing, check out. [ Nokia Conversations].
Nov 9, 2010 - GLOBAL – Last week, we showed you how to edit photos right from your Nokia N8 using the built-in photo editor. Today, we continue the tips.
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