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Catalogue Persistent Identifier APA Citation Evdokimov, IU.I. (IUrii Ivanovich).
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Ruscha-uzbekcha muzika terminlari qisqacha ludhati = Kratkii russko- -uzbekskii slovar muzykalnykh terminov. Toshkent: 'Uqituvchi' nashrieti MLA Citation Evdokimov, IU.I. (IUrii Ivanovich).
Ruscha-uzbekcha muzika terminlari qisqacha ludhati = Kratkii russko- -uzbekskii slovar muzykalnykh terminov / IU. Evdokimov, I. Ahmedov 'Uqituvchi' nashrieti Toshkent 1970 Australian/Harvard Citation Evdokimov, IU.I. (IUrii Ivanovich). 1970, Ruscha-uzbekcha muzika terminlari qisqacha ludhati = Kratkii russko- -uzbekskii slovar muzykalnykh terminov / IU.
Evdokimov, I. Ahmedov 'Uqituvchi' nashrieti Toshkent Wikipedia Citation.