Contents • • • • Design [ ] Gabriola was inspired by the calligraphy of. Gabriola was developed with advanced features and has been optimized for ClearType rendering to improve legibility on screen. Hudson added a number of characters and, which were grouped thematically by into different styles of calligraphy. Mein herz es brennt. Distinguishing Features [ ] Easily identifiable and/or unusual features include: • The flourish of capital ' Q's extend far below the following letter. • The flourish of lower case ' f's and both lower and capital ' j's/' J's extend far below the previous letter. References [ ].
Download Gabriola font free! More than 50000 fonts to download for free - offering 1000's of FREE fonts to download to help the millions of designers across the globe expressing their creativity with much more diversity.
Gabriola Bold Gabriola, Bold typeface of font family Gabriola, Bold sample Gabriola, Bold sample character map 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 F0 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Gabriola, Bold properties Property value Weight Bold Style Normal Stretch Normal Characters IsBoldSimulated True IsObliqueSimulated False CapsHeight 0,5 StrikethroughPosition 0,5 StrikethroughThickness 0, UnderlinePosition -0,068359375 UnderlineThickness 0, XHeight 0,25 Gabriola, Bold names Lang Name en-us Bold.
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