Hvac software - FIRE - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculations - Elite Software FIRE FEATURES • The pipe material data used in FIRE can be edited. Data is provided for 30 different pipe materials in FIRE. However, there is now provision for up to 50 pipe materials. You may revise or delete existing pipe material data, or you may add new ones. • FIRE can automatically size the pipes in the sprinkler system if so desired. Sizing can be performed to make sure velocities and desired pressure drops per 100 feet of pipe aren’t exceeded.
Dependable and innovative software for the fire sprinkler industry since 1972. Hydratec for Revit. This update is free to customers on our support plans. It can be downloaded now from our support site. Relevant Link. Tradeshow Schedule for Hydratec Inc.'
• The global editor function has been changed so that it can make multiple changes at once to a given range of pipes and nodes. • Tree and Grid Builder give various dimensions concerning a desired tree or grid system, FIRE can automatically create and number all the pipes and sprinklers in a new or existing pipe network. This feature greatly reduces the amount of tedious data entry reqired to create a pipe network. • Backwards compatible with FIRE for DOS - easily convert old DOS FIRE projects to Window projects. Users now can choose data from built-in NFPA tables for some input data entries.
• Fast program and calculation execution. • Main calculation results can now be shown immediately on the screen after calculation for quick preview. • Instantly evaluate your project for error checking and input data. Animated curtains powerpoint slides free download.
• Customizable color Supply/Demand Graph • English or Metric units • NFPA style, high quality color presentation reports Elite's FIRE Program quickly performs all necessary hydraulic calculations as required by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 13 1996 Edition). FIRE also estimates sprinkler head requirements, calculates optimal pipe sizes, and automatically performs a peaking analysis. FIRE can handle all types of sprinkler systems (trees, grids, and hybrids) with up to 1,000 or more sprinklers and pipes. Meters and standpipes can also be analyzed.
FIRE calculates the gpm water flow and velocity through all pipe sections, the gpm flow and residual pressure at each sprinkler head, the pressure losses incurred in each pipe section due to both friction and elevation changes, the maximum system demand pressure, and the total water gpm demanded by the system. The report format is designed to aid both the designer and the plan reviewer. Free Update FIRE now has the capability to handle a fire pump at or near the inflow point of the the system. FIRE also can calculate using metric units. These are highly significant and useful new features for FIRE.
This is a free update for existing users; call us at (979) 846-2340 for more information on obtaining your update. ©2000 Elite Software Development, Inc., .
Purchase link: 185Graph is a 1.85 graph based fire sprinkler hydraulic calculation software program that is designed to graphically display sprinkler demand vs. Water supply. It calculates base of the riser demand with the Grid Calculator, Tree Calculator or Head by Head Worksheet and will plot these demands against any water supply. Water supplies can be adjusted for friction loss, elevation and/or hose streams.() 185Graph is a 1.85 graph based fire sprinkler hydraulic calculation software program specifically designed to graph sprinkler demand vs.
Water supply. It calculates base of the riser demand with the Grid Calculator, Tree Calculator or Head by Head Worksheet and will plot these demands against any water supply.
Water supplies can be adjusted for friction loss, elevation and/or hose streams. 185Graph has compact, single form modular design with all data input and output ergonomically displayed on the same form.
Instantly determine a sprinkler system's weakness by inspecting the detailed pressure loss data, and develop the most appropriate recommendations for improvement. With routine use, you will develop an instinctive sense of 'what is adequate' and 'what improvements are required'. Quickly change sprinkler heads, pipe diameter, density, area, skew, pump size, etc. Immediately see the effect of lowering storage or reinforcing the sprinkler piping and/or water supply.
Version 4.2b is written in Visual Basic 6.0 (32 bit compatibility). It supports English and International units, file saving, and can seamlessly read and convert files saved in differnt units. A new multi-demand form has been added to automatically plot and label up to 10 demand curves. Additionally a new undo/redo feature is now provided to assist with customizating the graph.